Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sad That It's Over

Sad That It’s Over

Yale Ivy Scholars Program is simply life changing. This program exposes you to world-renowned professors, allows you to learn and live in beautiful facilities, and fosters an environment in which you can accomplish the impossible. In the two weeks at Yale, all the students coming from eight different countries typed and presented a Marshall Brief, two speeches (impromptu and persuasive), a legal essay, and listened to over eighty hours of lecture. Most of the speakers were affiliated with the United Nations in one-way or another. I am highly thinking of working in the future for the UN after hearing how exciting it can be.

The Marshall Brief is the most difficult of all challenges faced at the Ivy Scholars Program. You learn to work with peers you have just met and with people who are leaders at their respective schools just like yourself. I was fortunate to have a very hard working and dedicated group of peers to work with. We were working breakfast, lunch and dinner on our Marshall Brief!

At our graduation dinner, which was held at the Yale President’s dinning room, my Marshall Brief group was honored to hear that we were in the top three groups for presenting our Marshall Brief.

While at Ivy Scholars Program we were told that we are ambassadors to our school and that we must pass on to others what we’ve learned there. I certainly passed on what I learned shortly after I got back and will continue to do so. I presented at the freshman orientation at my school, Middle College High School, about the Ivy Scholars Program last month. Last month I went to all the sophomores, juniors and seniors and informed them of the program too. Many students were interested after hearing about it and plan on applying. My hope and goal is to apply everything I’ve learned because of this program in my term as Contra Costa Community College District Student Trustee and as student body president in my high school’s student government.

I’d like to give many thanks to, Dr. Luong, Dean Coburn-Palo, Drew Ruben and everyone else involved with the Ivy Scholars Program for the wealth of knowledge shared with us and the work they put in to provide us with this one in a life time experience!

Lastly, I’d like to thank Ivy League Connection for the tours of universities such as Columbia, UPenn, Yale, Dartmouth and Princeton.